Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where do I begin??

I'm not really sure where to begin with this post. It's been a while. Well, my cousin tied the knot. You know? Kate, the one I always mention in my posts. Her and Justin got married this past Saturday and the ceremony was AMAZING!!! Ryan was supposed to be the flower girl, but she didn't make it down the isle. I'll get to that after the pics!!

dancing with my dad

she was EXHAUSTED!!!!

Josh and Ryan shaking it on the dance floor :)
she was happy after cake
Friday night at the rehearsal

My beautiful big girl!!!
Ok, so onto Ryan and her flower girl problems. She had her pretty white dress on and we thought things would be fine. However, all last week Ryan was VERY SICK!!! It all started last Tuesday when her fever was 103. Then, she woke up Wednesday morning with green mucus POURING out of her nose. BLAH!!! She went to the doc that day and the peds said they thought it was a virus and not an infection.....YEAH RIGHT!!! So, they didn't give her any meds. Thursday morning she woke up with both of her eyes GLUED shut with nasty eye slime and crusty stuff. Have you guessed what it is yet? If you said PINK EYE....you are right on the money. I have no idea where she got it because NONE of the kids at daycare have it. So, I called the peds office and they called her in some eye drops. Needless to say, last week, she was just plain falling apart. She is doing better now, although she still doesn't want to eat much and her sleep is MESSED UP!! She wants to sleep in my bed like she did when she napped while being sick. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am trying to get her back into her bed and her old routine of doing great at bed time with no crying. Hopefully it happens soon. Ryan had a VERY hard day Saturday. She cried almost all day and was only in a few of the professional pictures. Her favorite part was riding in the "BIG TRUCK" which was the Excursion Limo. As you can see from the pics above, she ate some cake and then cheered up, but it didn't last long. During the ceremony, she slept on my mom's lap. :(

Kate and Justin Lang!!!

She has been better now that all the stress is over with, but her cough still sounds pretty yucky. Since she cannot cough the mucus up, she has had some random times of vomiting but other than that, I know she will be just fine. Since she was out of school so much last week though, she had it rough yesterday morning when I dropped her off. She was VERY upset and cried for some time but she did get better as the day went on. She even made a little something....

like the hat??? She got to paint it herself!!!
We are planning a trip next month to Georgia to see my brother graduate from Army Basic Training. I'm so excited to see him and to get away for a few days. This will be Ryan's first BIG trip. She has been to Lake Cumberland (a few hours away) and to Gatlinburg, TN (4 hours away) This drive will be 9 hours.....yes......9!!!!!!! We are hoping to leave in the middle of the night so she can sleep most of the way. Pray that this goes well.....I can't even imagine the way this trip will go if she doesn't sleep most of the time in the car.
I don't really have much else to update on now, I've been so busy with work and everything that I feel like I dont have time for anything...and I want to spend all my free time with Ryan.
I hope everyone is doing well and I am hoping to have time this weekend to catch up on what you have all been up to!!! Below is my new favorite picture!!! I wish Ryan's smile was a little better but I still think it's great!!!


  1. Ryan's dress was BEAUTIFUL!!

    Prayers for her feeling 100% better soon! Good luck on the trip. We had a rough trip last week to TN (3.5 hrs). We even bought a tv for Derrick to watch on the trip. Can you say "waste of money?" It didn't work for him, but I hope once he gets a little older that will do the trick. Hopefully Ryan will be fine. Keep us posted.

    Big heart hugs and prayers,

  2. I loved Ryan's dress for the wedding. It was really pretty.

    I am sorry that she was so sick last week. Poor thing. Seems like lots of crud is hitting everyone.

    Good luck on your trip. We drove 5 hours over the summer to Omaha and it went actually fairly well. The DVD players worked well and helped to keep the kids entertained.
